Write Here, Write Now – RSA Online Writing Sessions, 16 November 2023

16 November 2023 to 16 November 2023
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The aim of “Write Here, Write Now” is to provide a space to continue working on draft papers, chapters and theses. The type of writing is open – you might want to work on tricky paper revisions that keep eliding you, that proposal to transform your thesis into a manuscript, or a first draft of your methods.


During the two-hour long sessions we will have time for a brief informal chat and to get to know one another, followed by an intense writing period. Afterwards, there is the opportunity for a virtual chat and networking over coffee or tea.

Please be aware that these sessions do not offer mentoring to develop your paper or academic writing.


The link to join the session will be sent to you via email soon after you have registered.


The Regional Studies Association is a registered charity and we support the regional studies community with research grants, networking and publishing opportunities, trainings, knowledge exchange and by awarding excellence in the field.


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